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The text for this lesson is Exodus 16–17

Key Point

  • In Christ, God feeds us with the manna of His Word and the water of His forgiveness, satisfying our eternal hunger and quenching our spiritual thirst.
  • Law: My attempts to satisfy myself with all good things cannot fill the void that sin creates in my life.
  • Gospel: Christ, by His suffering, death, and resurrection—fills me to overflowing with His life-giving grace and mercy.

Discussion Points

  1. Do you worry about the many things that you need to support this body and life? Does your worry ever become grumbling or complaining?
  2. In Exodus 16:1–3, what led the Israelites to grumble against Moses and Aaron? How was this really an affront to the God who had graciously rescued them from bondage in Egypt?
  3. Now read Exodus 16:4–12. How did God show grace and mercy to His people despite their faithless grumbling and complaining? How did He promise to provide daily bread for His people throughout their wilderness wandering? Also see Exodus 16:35–36. According to Exodus 16:4 and 12, what message was God’s gracious provision supposed to send to His redeemed people?
  4. Read Exodus 16:13–36. What instructions did God give to His people for gathering and enjoying His gift of daily bread? How did the Israelites again show their faithless disregard for God and His gracious promise?
  5. Read Exodus 17:1–7. About what did the Israelites grumble and complain against Moses (and God) this time? How did Moses confront them with their sin? How did God respond to the grumbling? How does this episode point us to Jesus Christ? See 1 Corinthians 10:4.
  6. The Israelites are quite often a good picture of us. How do we grumble about the things that God gives to support our body and life? What does the New Testament say about such grumbling in Philippians 2:14 and James 5:9? How does God continue to provide for us despite our unbelief, worry, and complaining? See Matthew 6:25–34 and Philippians 4:4–13.

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