Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 7: God Heals in the Jordan’s Waters

The text for this lesson is 2 Kings 5:1-14 Key Points God poured His grace on Naaman, telling him to wash in the Jordan so that he would be cleansed of his disease. He pours His grace on us through water and His Word in Holy Baptism and cleanses us from our greatest sickness—sin. God … Continue Reading

Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 6: God Carries Elijah to Heaven in a Whirlwind

The text for this lesson is 2 Kings 2:1-14 Key Points God worked through the horses, the chariots of fire, and the whirlwind that carried Elijah to heaven to reassure and bless Elisha so he could boldly serve as God’s prophet. God works through the Means of Grace—Word and Sacrament—to strengthen our faith and bless … Continue Reading

H2Oh!: God Keeps His Promises, Lesson 3: Miraculous H2Oh!: Water from the Rock

The text for this lesson is Exodus 17:1–7 Key Point God pours out His generous love for me by sustaining my life through abundant blessings now and forever. Law: When I suffer, I am tempted to believe that the God who has saved me is actually against me. I should be condemned when I accuse … Continue Reading

H2Oh!: God Keeps His Promises, Lesson 4: H2Oh! Survival: Elijah at the Brook Cherith

The text for this lesson is 1 Kings7:1–6 Key Point God pours out His everlasting love for me and is with me, even when everything seems against me, sustaining me with His Spirit, the water of life. Law: Because of sin, the world is often wicked and hostile, and I experience suffering because of it. … Continue Reading

H2Oh!: God Keeps His Promises, Lesson 9: Changing H2Oh!: Wedding at Cana

The texts for this lesson is John 2:1–11 Key Point God pours out His miraculous love for me by showing me that Jesus is true God, able to care for my every need now and forever. Law: When I find myself in need, prayer is usually the last thing that I think to do. Gospel: … Continue Reading

Old Testament 2, Lesson 10: God Provides Manna, Water, and Quail

The text for this lesson is Exodus 16–17 Key Point In Christ, God feeds us with the manna of His Word and the water of His forgiveness, satisfying our eternal hunger and quenching our spiritual thirst. Law: My attempts to satisfy myself with all good things cannot fill the void that sin creates in my … Continue Reading