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The text for this lesson is Mark 11:1–10; Luke 19:28–40

Key Point

  • The multitudes called out “Hosanna!”—Save us!—to their King. We, too, cry out “Hosanna!” to Jesus, our King, who entered Jerusalem to save us and all people by triumphing over sin.
  • Law: Sin brought death into the world for me and all people.
  • Gospel: Jesus, the perfect Son of God, came to be my Savior and King, dying in my place and rising three days later to save me from sin and give me new life in His kingdom.

Discussion Points

  1. The phrase “trappings of office” refers to special privileges associated with holding a position of power and authority. For example, the president of the United States never occupies a cramped seat in coach. Instead, Air Force One serves his travel needs quite nicely! You see a movie star arriving at the Oscars not in a fifteen-year-old Ford but in a chauffeured limousine. Certain perquisites of office come with being at the top of the power pyramid. What are some other perks of position?
  2. Now think about Jesus and His earthly ministry. What perks or trappings of office did He enjoy?
  3. All four Gospels in the New Testament include the account of Jesus’ Palm Sunday procession. They all tell the same story, but each gives some unique information. Read the accounts in Mark 11:1–10 and Luke 19:28–40. What do they report that is similar, and what do they contain that is unique? (If you are familiar with the story, also comment on details we know from other Gospel accounts that Mark and Luke don’t include.)
  4. If you were in Jerusalem observing the procession and listening to the crowds in front of and behind Jesus, how would you have responded?
  5. How does Jesus’ kingly rule differ from that of other earthly kings?
  6. King Jesus, humbly riding on a donkey, welcomed the cries of “Hosanna!” from the crowds. Jesus truly did come to save. However, it is not uncommon for us Christians to think that our own sins, failures, and disobedience are so repulsive to Jesus that He would want nothing to do with us. How do the events of Jesus’ triumphal entry on Palm Sunday address our fear that we might be beyond redemption? That is, how do the happenings of Palm Sunday give you confidence about Jesus’ response when you call out to Him, “Hosanna! Save me!” In what ways does Jesus come to us today?
  7. In grateful response to King Jesus and His work to save us from sin and death, what can we give to Him that He can use to meet the “needs” of His kingdom? That is, what can we offer to Jesus to help others know that this King hears and answers their cries for help?


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