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The text for this lesson is Mark 2:13–17

Key Point

  • We sinners rejoice, for we, like Matthew, have been called from our own sin to dine at the table of the friend of sinners, Jesus.
  • Law: If I say I have no sin, I deceive myself, and the truth is not in me.
  • Gospel: Jesus is the friend of sinners, who says to me, “Fear not, I am faithful and just to forgive your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.”

Discussion Points

  1. How do you show your friendship with others? What kinds of activities do you do together? What do the Scriptures say Jesus does with His friends? When and how do we experience this?
  2. See Mark 4:35–41 and 1:16–18. Who is the ruler of the seas? What does Jesus do by the sea?
  3. What difference does Mark record between Jesus’ words to the crowd (compare Mark 1:15) and His words to Levi? How does this distinguish Levi from the crowd? What is the significance of this, considering Levi was a tax collector?
  4. Where is the next place we see Jesus after calling Levi? What is so surprising and offensive to the scribes? With whom would they expect Jesus to be eating?
  5. Who are the ones who need Jesus, according to His words in Mark 2:17? Are there any that are righteous? Whom, then, does Jesus call?
  6. Who are Jesus’ disciples in this passage? How do we live as His disciples?

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