Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 6: God Carries Elijah to Heaven in a Whirlwind

The text for this lesson is 2 Kings 2:1-14 Key Points God worked through the horses, the chariots of fire, and the whirlwind that carried Elijah to heaven to reassure and bless Elisha so he could boldly serve as God’s prophet. God works through the Means of Grace—Word and Sacrament—to strengthen our faith and bless … Continue Reading

Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him, Lesson 13: God Preserves in a Storm

The text for this lesson is Acts 27:13-44 Key Points God was with Paul and the others in the ship through the terrible storm and brought them safely to land. God is with us through all the storms of life, and in His boat, the Church, He brings us safely to eternity in heaven. Law: … Continue Reading

H2Oh!: God Keeps His Promises, Lesson 14: Living H2Oh! The River of Life

The text for this lesson is Revelation 22:1–5 Key Point God pours out His love for me through Jesus, who wonfor me the gift of heaven and paints a picture of it for me in His Word. Law: The world tries to convince me that my eternal hope is a sham and that this life … Continue Reading