The text for this lesson is Acts 27:13-44

Key Points

  • God was with Paul and the others in the ship through the terrible storm and brought them safely to land. God is with us through all the storms of life, and in His boat, the Church, He brings us safely to eternity in heaven.
  • Law: In a world ruined by sin, I will have storms in my life.
  • Gospel: God is with me and preserves me through the storms of life, and in His boat, the Church, He brings me safely to heaven.

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Discussion Points

  1. How do we know God was with Paul and was preserving him on this voyage?
  2. What are storms in your life?
  3. How was Paul able to face all his troubles with confidence and keep telling others about Jesus?
  4. Our hope, too, is in God. Why can we say this?
  5. Name the ways God protected Paul’s life during his voyage.
  6. What did Paul tell the sailors when they had given up hope of survival?
  7. For what reason did Paul go to Rome?
  8. What did Paul do in Rome and aboard ship?

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