Serving with Joy, Lesson 12: Timothy is Taught

The text for this lesson is 2 Timothy 1:1–7. Key Point Though Paul could speak of himself as Timothy’s spiritual father, God had actually raised Timothy in faith through instruction in the sacred Scriptures by his grandmother Lois and his mother, Eunice. Law: When children disobey or disrespect their parents, they are not only sinning … Continue Reading

Serving with Joy, Lesson 13: Titus, the Pastor

The text for this lesson is Titus 1:1–2:1; 1 Timothy 1:3–7; 3:1–7; 4:11–16. Key Point As God called Paul to the preaching office for the sake of His elect and their eternal life, so He also called Titus and the pastors Titus appointed in Crete as gifts to His Church. Law: Congregations sometimes fail to … Continue Reading