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The text for this lesson is Matthew 27:11–66

Key Point

  • The Father, the perfect, righteous judge of the universe, gave His Son, Jesus, as the perfect, righteous sacrifice on the cross and punished Him for the sin of the whole world.
  • Law: The wages of sin is death.
  • Gospel: Jesus Christ paid the price for the sin of the world by His suffering and death.

Discussion Points

  1. We normally think of the word passion as referring to the romantic love between a man and a woman. What do we mean, however, by the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ?
  2. Read Matthew 27:11–14. In obedience to the Fourth Commandment, Jesus submits to the governing authority, Pilate. How does this scene, especially Pilate’s question to Jesus, recall the beginning of Jesus’ life? See Matthew 2:2. How does Jesus fulfill Scripture in His silence? See Isaiah 53:7.
  3. Read Matthew 27:15–25. How does Pilate try to release Jesus and still appease the crowd? What does the name Barabbas mean? What is the great message of salvation in the release of the murderer Barabbas? How does Governor Pilate try to distance himself from the blood of Jesus?
  4. Read Matthew 27:26–44. What happened when Jesus was scourged (v. 26) and mocked (vv. 27–31)? What is significant about Simon of Cyrene carrying Jesus’ cross on the way to Golgotha? How does Jesus continue to suffer the full weight of our human sin as He is crucified?
  5. Read Matthew 27:45–66. Why does Jesus cry out “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” in verse 46? See Psalm 22. What is vitally important about Jesus yielding up His own spirit in verse 50, and what did He say when He “cried out again with a loud voice”? See John 19:30. Summarize the things that happened after Jesus’ death. How do the burial of Jesus and His rest in the tomb fulfill Scripture? See Isaiah 53:9 and Genesis 2:1–3.
  6. How can you observe Jesus’ Passion, and hence His wonderful works of saving you from sin and death, this week?

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