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The text for this lesson is John 4:1–42

Key Point

  • Jesus, the fountain of living water, gives the Holy Spirit, who cleanses us from sin and unrighteousness in the waters of Holy Baptism and gives us new life in Christ.
  • Law: Because of sin, my soul is parched and dying.
  • Gospel: The Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, gives me the living water from God’s Word and Holy Baptism to quench my spiritual thirst forever, giving me new life in Christ.

Discussion Points

  1. In the opening paragraph of his great Confessions, Augustine speaks to God and says, “You made us for yourself and our hearts find no peace until they rest in you” (Augustine, Confessions, I:1). How is this true for you?
  2. Read John 4:1–6. Why do the Pharisees begin to take note of Jesus’ ministry? See also John 1:19, 24. Why does Jesus “have to” pass through Samaria, and why is this so radical and strange? What does this passage teach us about Jesus’ human nature?
  3. Read John 4:7–15. What does Jesus mean by “living water” in John 4:10? How does the woman understand His words?
  4. Read John 4:16–26. Since the woman did not understand His words about “living water,” Jesus changes tactics. What does He ask her to do, and why? What does Jesus mean by “the hour is coming” (John 4:23)?
  5. Look again at John 4:25–26. After the woman mentions the coming Messiah, how does Jesus reveal Himself to be that very Messiah/Christ/Savior? See Genesis 17:1; Exodus 3:14; and John 6:35; 8:12, 58; and 11:25.
  6. When the woman returns to town, how does she make known her conversation with Jesus (John 4:28–29)? How do the people of Sychar respond to the report of the woman and the Good News of Jesus the Messiah (John 4:30, 39–42)?
  7. Consider the outcome of the woman’s encounter with Jesus the Messiah, how she told her fellow townsfolk and how they came to believe in Him first through her words, but ultimately by hearing Him. How does this pattern instruct us for God-pleasing missions?


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