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The text for this lesson is Luke 15

Key Point

  • Jesus forgives and heals us from the sickness of sin and death. In faith, we respond with thankfulness.
  • Law: Sin brought sickness and death into the world.
  • Gospel: In His death and resurrection, Jesus heals me from the sickness of sin and overcomes death for me.

Discussion Points

  1. Jesus’ miracles function as significant demonstrations of His power over all creation, but they also serve another important purpose. According to Luke 7:18–23, what did Jesus’ miracles, such as today’s story about the healing of the ten lepers, confirm for John the Baptist?
  2. Today’s lesson demonstrates an important point about the Samaritans’ status in Jesus’ eyes—He came for them too. How does this story illustrate the point that Paul makes in Galatians 3:26–29?
  3. One of the first people Jesus healed was a leper. What is so striking about Jesus’ interaction with the first leper He healed? See Luke 5:12–16. How does this correspond to the picture of the Messiah that Isaiah gives in Isaiah 53:3–4?
  4. Instead of going to give thanks to God at the temple, where did the Samaritan go to give thanks to God? According to John 2:18–22, what would replace the temple in Jerusalem?
  5. Read Luke 17:19. A literal translation of this passage is, “Your faith has saved you.” All ten lepers certainly had faith that Jesus could heal them; they took Him at His Word when they went to show themselves to the priests. But only the Samaritan returned to worship God in the person of Jesus. Only the Samaritan had received true saving faith. What does this lesson teach us about faith? According to Ephesians 2:8–9, what is the true source of faith?
  6. According to Matthew 25:31–40, what is the significance of visiting the sick? What does this passage teach us about the good works of Christians?


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