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The text for this lesson is Luke 15

Key Point

  • In our sin, we were lost from God and doomed to die. God, in His love, sought and found us and keeps us with Him forever.
  • Law: Because of my sin, I am lost from God.
  • Gospel: My heavenly Father does not abandon me, but seeks me out through His Word and Sacraments, forgives me completely for Jesus’ sake, and keeps me safe in faith.

Discussion Points

  1. The thread that ties together the three parables in Luke 15 is that Jesus seeks those lost in sins and brings them to repentance. According to Joel 2:12–13, what is repentance? Why can the repentant sinner confidently approach God, knowing that He will forgive?
  2. According to Luke 5:27–32, why did Jesus love to eat with tax collectors and sinners? Which group didn’t think they needed to eat with Him?
  3. Whom do the shepherd and lost sheep represent? Why?
  4. Read Luke 15:11–19. Whom does the prodigal son represent? Do you think the son was truly repentant? How could you see yourself in the son’s shoes?
  5. In Luke 15:20–21, we see the dramatic meeting of the father and the son. How does the father’s love resemble God’s love for us? According to Romans 2:4, how does repentance come about? Read Luke 15:22–24. How does this part of the parable apply to us?
  6. In Luke 15:25–32, we hear the sad story of the elder son’s lack of love for his father. Whom do you think this part of the parable was directed at? How does it apply to us?
  7. The parable of the lost coin, Luke 15:8–10, shares the same message as the parable of the lost sheep, except that the person seeking the coin is a woman. Whom might she represent?
  8. Table fellowship was important in Jesus’ day. We still can relate to this somewhat through our enjoyment of family meals and dinners with friends. But what is the most important table fellowship we share as Christians? Who is welcomed at His Table?

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