The text for this lesson is 2 Kings 5:1–14.

Key Point

  • Just as the Lord used an ordinary servant girl and ordinary water to heal Naaman, He cares for us through the ordinary people and ordinary means He chooses.
  • Law: We too often want or even expect God to work in dramatic and exciting ways, such as pulsating worship, spectacular results to our witnessing, or giving us personal signs.
  • Gospel: God gives forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation through ordinary water, through bread and wine, and through the voice of humble servants, all by the power of His simple Word.

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Discussion Points

  1. Read 2 Kings 5:2–6. How does God use the injustice of the enslaving of the young Israelite girl to accomplish His divine purpose?
  2. Why do you suppose the king of Israel tore his clothes when the Syrian king’s letter asked him to cure Naaman of his leprosy?
  3. Why was Naaman angry when he received Elisha’s words?
  4. Read 2 Kings 5:15. What is the purpose of Elisha’s prescription for healing?
  5. Who helped Naaman realize that God was able to heal him through Elisha? How does God work through Christian neighbors to share His love?
  6. Naaman was healed with simple water, directed by God’s Word. What does this remind us of today? What do we receive through Baptism?
  7. Read Ephesians 2:1–5, 10. Describe the change that takes place in us through Baptism. What effect does that change have on us? Read also 1 Peter 2:9–12. What examples can you give of Christians demonstrating these effects in their lives?
  8. How does God demonstrate that His ways are beyond human thought and understanding?
  9. God works through simple means to heal Naaman. How does God continue to work through simple means today to provide healing and strength to sinners?

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